Thursday, December 3, 2009

Summbitch, they're threatening me!

Ok, sooo... I'm Jupiter, otherwise known as the one who ignores blogs and loses herself in her own head a lot of the time. Yes, yes, I get it. Post, Jupi. Or Eisie will.

I'm posting! See? Now, you can't! Heee!

I'm what you might call... twisted. I like bloody, weird, gore-filled. Anything that makes me shudder is a good thing. I also like to laugh and I adore anything abstract and against the normal. I'm not normal, so I wind up making things against the norm. Normal is boring, people! Give me weird, any day.

So, I fell down the rabbit hole (to borrow Eisie's term) a bit over three years ago. Yes, three years! Just a few days older than our own sohma, even... and without the long hiatus.

I was getting bored with SL. I was uninspired and without any sort of focus. Secondlife had become a place to just hang out with friends and lament the loss of focus. Then, one bright and shining day, sohma came back to SL! I was ecstatic, but didn't tell her. Don't wanna inflate the ol' ego, right? ha!

sohma came in with such a passion for learning how to build. That is damned contagious, let me tell you! Her passion for building started to spark my own. Soon enough, I was creating things again! Sure, most of it wound up being things for various hunts and not for sale, but it was definitely a start!

One day, I logged in and immmediately got a request to join a few friends (including sohma and Eisie) at the Wastelands to find some tree. Okey dokey, tree hunting! Sounded like a plan, right? Everyone loves a good tree.

While we were there talking on voice, Eisie started giggling. The rest of us went all Scooby Doo... "Errrr? Rut's rat, Raggy?" She pointed out the typo in the land's name. Of course, given we're all smartasses... some by nature, some though coaching... I said, "Beware the Wastlenads!" Of course, there were a few other comments about it before Eisie messaged the sim owner.

Annnnd, thus... the Wastlenads were born... or something.

We've all been nudging each other on in building, creating... not losing focus. Losing focus is a rought one for us. We tend to get distracted by shiny stuff a lot. heh

So, that's it, in a small nutshell. I'm weird and goofy... sarcastic and easily amused sometimes. I like creepy stuff and things that freak out most people... and I get to make things to reflect all of that. It's a nice gig, really.

I own a store in Secondlife called Absentia. It's on Absentia island. Convenient, no? C'mon down and visit sometime! =o)

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