Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yes, Even Typos Can Inspire!!

Indeed, as sohma has explained below, the name Wastlenads emerged from an OCD moment that I had. Now the typo didn’t bother me, it more amused me, like “did they do that on purpose? To see if we were paying attention?” I am blessed and cursed with the gift of observation sometimes…

As can happen in SL, the typo itself and the inquiry as to why it was there took on a life of itself. Yes, we now have a gesture (that makes it official? Right?) And yes, I had to IM the sim owner and poke at him a little (I am a sister-in-snark after all). But mostly, it coalesced an idea that had been bouncing around between several of us for a while. And I find it appropriate and poetic that it began in the Wastelands sim, Bloodmoss Swamp, where I went hunting for a particular type of tree…

SL is a funny place. Many people say that two years is the cut-off point for many residents in SL - boredom sets in, many move on to other "games" and platforms. I felt I was hitting that point, disappointed that I wasn't feeling the inspiration to do more creative challenges in-world. SL is an interesting social platform, but it has this amazing creative side that I'm not sure enough people are experiencing for themselves. Because of the platform’s structure (remember, repeat after me - it’s NOT a GAME), pursuing creativity often depends upon a collaborative effort. In other words, if you ain’t got friends and ain’t talking about how to make and break stuff, you're only going to get so far in here. Curse you, Linden Labs, curse you for forcing us to interact!

So, I was facing my own SL wasteland, when sohma showed back up on the scene, raring to go with the creative stuff. After so much primmage and idea generation, a group like the Wastlenads was inevitable. Make sure you read our little mission statement in the sidebar. We aren’t going to go all Masonic on y’all, but we do have our own gesture, and we are working on a metaphorical tree-house fort (or clubhouse, not sure what yet). Yes, we are dorks, and no, that is not a bad thing.

I’ve arrogantly given myself the title “Wastlenad Wrangler,” I guess it means I’m a loose organizer of tangled threads. In-world I’ve been heavily involved with arranging, playing with and managing the sims of Absentia and Pirate Point Break, and I also design pirate-themed jewelry in an alt for AZE Designs. Now I’ve taken on this little party, but I’m excited! I want to push the envelope, I want to see what else we can do, I want to take creativity in SL to that next place. Stay tuned…!

Pokes Jupiter Vale, come on! Write something or (deep threatening voice) I will!

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